Semper Vigilans - Always Vigilant

Animated F-16 Fighter

    U.S. Flag

    Fla. Flag


    Marion County Composite Squadron
    Civil Air Patrol FL-361
    Group 2 - Florida Wing
    HQ - Jacksonville / Southeast Region
    Meeting Location:
    National Guard Armory
    900 S.W. 20th Street
    Ocala, Florida 34471
    (352) 237-4883
    Location Will Be Moved, Check Back Often

Raising of the U.S. Flag From Sun-up to Sun-down Salute to the U.S. Flag at the end of the day

Cadet life in the Civil Air Patrol is... GREAT!

CAP Cadets in Parade CAP Cadets in Parade

Cadets with aircraft Cadets at C-130 Fire Training Exercise

USAF Thunderbirds USAF Aircraft F-18 at moment of Sonic Boom


Here is where you can find the events for the following week. The entire will be posted. If we have something different planned, it will also be posted.

1815-1845 Opening Formation (try not to be late!)
1845-1900 Annoncements (Commander's Time)
1900-1930 First Period (Depends on what week it is)
1930-1945 Transition Time
1945-2045 Drill and Ceremonies (Testing will also take place)
2045-2100 Closing Ceremonies and last announcements

Monthly Schedule(First Period)

First Tuesday: Aerospace Education
Second Tuesday: Testing and PT
Third Tuesday: Moral Leadership (1900-2000)
Fourth Tuesday: Promotion Boards (1900-2000) and Promotions

Upcoming Events (NOTICE: visit this link for more information).
(please check the newsletter in your mailbox for changes)

MARCH/2003 - TBA
APRIL/2003 - TBA
MAY/2003 - TBA
JUNE/2003 - TBA
JULY/2003 - TBA

Here is a list of the MCCS squadron contacts. Cadets: Please remember to use your chain of command.

Squadron Commander-Major Jerry Holloway: 861-9955
Cadet Advisor-C/Capt Mark Dauss: 369-8797
Cadet Commander-C/2d Lt Vert Guilfoil: 873-9274
Cadet Deputy Commander-C/2d Lt Danielle Hayford: 351-8987
Executive Officer-C/MSgt Anthony Piferer: 861-1289
First Sgt-C/MSgt Mark Ray: 622-3558

Alpha Flight

Flight Commander-C/TSgt Tim Hines: 465-1784
Flight Sgt-C/TSgt Bryan Slater: 854-2835
1st Element Leader-C/SrA Caitlin Barriera: 873-6799
2nd Element Leader-C/A1C Ryan Dickerman: 629-2067
3rd Element Leader-TBA

Marion Composite News

OCALA, FLORIDA - Col. Robert Schaetzl, Marion County Composite Squadron, retired from the Civil Air aPatrol after 55 years of uninterrupted service.

Schaetzl's CAP resume includes chief of staff in communications for the Northeast Region, Indiana Wing deputy commander, Michigan Wing commander, and the formation of the Marion County Composite Squadron in Florida. He is currently the president of the Air Force Association's Ocala Chapter.

Additionally, Schaetzl has received an outstanding service award from the Department of Defense, the AFA Medal of Merit, and CAP certificates of appreciation, a distinguished service medal and a meritorious service award.

FLORIDA - More than 200 cadets and senior members attended the Florida Wing conference that included a chaplains seminar and flight release officer class.

Col. Tony Pineda, Florida Wing commander, addressed the attendees during the general assembly before they dispersed to attend 30 seminars ranging from the incident command system to computer use.

Honorary guests at the banquet included: Col. Joseph Meighan Jr., Southeast Region commander; U.S. Air Force Col. Steve MacIsaac, MacDill Air Force Base; Lt. Col. Richard Valone, deputy wing commander; Col. Jerry Angley, Florida Wing liaison officer; Cadet Lt. Col. Michael Barron, cadet advisory council chairman; Chap. (Lt. Col.) Ralph Rivers; Lt. Col. Matt Sharkey, chief of staff; Maj. Robert Ashman, Group Three commander; and Capt. Eileen Parker, executive assistant.

Also attending the conference were: Maj. Frank Haas, Group Four commander; Maj. Steve Bell, Group Five commander; Maj. Jorge Del Rio, Group Six commander; Maj. William Lynch, Group Seven commander; Lt. Col. Henri Casenove and Col. Ernest Lewis, former Florida Wing commanders; and Col. Walt Schamel, Southeast Region director of operations.

Maj. Buddy Harris

Air Force Rescue Coordination Center CAP - Florida Wing CAP 60th ANNIV.
USAFA CAP Emergency Services

Air Force Times and More! Civil Air Patrol News - Online


It is the Veteran, not the reporter,
Who has given us Freedom of the Press;

It is the Veteran, not the poet,
Who has given us the Freedom of Speech;

It is the Veteran, not the campus organizer,
Who gave us the Freedom to Demonstrate;

It is the Veteran, not the lawyer,
Who has given us the Right to a Fair Trial;

It is the Veteran, Who Salutes the Flag,
Who Serves under the Flag, and
Whose coffin is draped by the Flag,
That Won and Protects Our FREEDOM.


Even though he was old and shaky, and his strength was failing, we often sat around the table listening to his stories of the past. The experiences of a war that he had fought in, and of how a soldier takes the good times with the bad.

To an uncaring generation, the old Veteran and his war stories were treated as a joke; but to his friends and neighbors, we listened with great interest, for he knew of what he spoke.

But we'll hear his tales no longer, for the old Veteran has passed away, and our lives, and this Country are a little poorer, for a Veteran died today.

No, he won't be mourned by many, just his family and his friends; for he led an ordinary life, and just lent a helping hand when his Country asked.

It makes one wonder, why is it when actors, or singers leave this earth, their passing is mourned by thousands? Their death is noted and they are proclaimed as great - treating their life as if it were the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land. Why is so much praise and honor lauded on an individual so insincere and shallow?

Honors should be given to the ordinary citizen, who in times of war and strife, goes off to serve our Country and is willing to offer up his life to defend her!

He was more than just a common man, he was a Veteran, but the ranks of patriots like him are growing thin, and their presence should remind us we may need his likes again.

If we cannot do him honor while he's here for the praise, then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days. Perhaps just a simple headline in the paper that might say...


Please take the time to visit the Rolling Thunder webpage.

You may also wish to participate in the black-out on 01/FEB/2003.
Let's bring all of our POW/MIAs home... it has been too long.

Blackout 2002

Copyright ©2000 Ocala Civil Air Patrol, All Rights Reserved.
NOTICE: This website was developed for information purposes only, it is not the "Official" website of the Civil Air Patrol, the United States Air Force Auxillary, the USAF, or any Governmental entitiy. This website may contain text, graphics, etc., some of which are protected by copyright laws. All material used by permission.

Feel free to contact the Marion Composite, should you have any questions or concerns.

Date Online: JUNE/2000 | Updated: AUGUST/2003

A BIG Thank You to the Wright Brothers
Animated Wright Brothers Flight
and to YOU, for visiting our website.




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This website was developed for the Marion County Composite by Anthony Harper.